I-75 Interchange Improvements, Manatee and Sarasota Counties, Florida

Provided subsurface investigations, testing and foundation recommendations and associated reports for the modification of two interchanges (I-75 and Fruitville RD and I-75 and University Parkway). The project included ramp modifications, drainage, overhead lighting and signalization. The work was performed for FDOT District 1.

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Hillsborough Transit Authority (HART) and Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Consultant Services, Hillsborough County, Florida

Provided Geotechnical Engineering Recommendations Consisted of asphalt and concrete pavement cores and soils borings for roadway improvements, including retaining walls and adding totem poles and shelter structures at for several bus stops along Fletcher and Nebraska Avenues in Tampa, Florida.

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SR 20 Widening and Improvements Cherokee and Forsyth Counties, Georgia

Provided Geotechnical Engineering Recommendations for the widening/reconstructing SR 20 from an existing two lane rural highway to a divided four-lane rural highway along SR 20 from SR 369 in Cherokee County to SR 371 in Forsyth County. The total length of the road is about 6.5 miles. Provided, Inc. performed pavement study and soil survey.

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SR 105 at US 44, Habersham County, Georgia

Provided Geotechnical Engineering Recommendations for the Widening of SR105 from the intersection of Cannon Bridge Rd, west of SR 365 to Walnut Street in Cornelia for a total of 2.74 miles. In the project is the reconstruction of the interchange at US441/SR 105 and SR 365 as a diamond interchange. The construction widens US441/ SR 105 to a six- lane divided roadway with a 20′ raised median from Cannon Bridge road to SR 365.

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I-85, SR 53 US 129/SR 11, Jackson County, Georgia

Provided pavement evaluations and recommendation services on Interstate I-85, SR 53 & US 129/SR 11 in Jackson County, Georgia. The total length of the study is Eight (8) miles in each direction. The scope of services included providing pavement condition surveys and pavement design evaluations along with Geotechnical Engineering Recommendations along I-85 main line north and south bounds and for the ramps at the interchange of SR 53 and interchange at SR 11.

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