I-85, SR 53 US 129/SR 11, Jackson County, Georgia

Provided pavement evaluations and recommendation services on Interstate I-85, SR 53 & US 129/SR 11 in Jackson County, Georgia. The total length of the study is Eight (8) miles in each direction. The scope of services included providing pavement condition surveys and pavement design evaluations along with Geotechnical Engineering Recommendations along I-85 main line north and south bounds and for the ramps at the interchange of SR 53 and interchange at SR 11.

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SR 40 Connector 821, Charlton, Georgia

Provided Geotechnical Engineering Services for the roadway consisting of Pavement Evaluation, Soil Survey and Wall Foundation Recommendation along SR 40 from Conn/Folkston to MP 2.75/E of CR 82, Charlton Counties, GA. The total length of the roadway is approximately 1.9 miles. The project consists of approximately 1.9 miles of pavement overlay, about 1.75 miles of new pavement ranging from 2 to 3 lanes, and one (1) bridge culvert with retaining walls.

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SR 40 Widening 820, Charlton/Camden, Georgia

Provided Geotechnical Engineering Recommendations for the roadway consisting of Pavement Evaluation, Soil Survey and Wall Foundation Recommendation along SR 40 east of St. Mary’s cutoff/MP 5.0/Charlton to CR 61 in Camden and Charlton Counties, GA. The total length of the roadway is approximately 11.67 miles. The project consists of approximately 10.2 miles of pavement overlay, 11.67 miles of new pavement ranging from 2 to 4 lanes, and five (5) culvert extensions. Approximately 2.2 miles of wetland area exists along the project alignment.

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SR 138 and I-85 Intersection Improvements and Interchange Design, Clayton County, Georgia

Provided geotechnical services for the existing Pavement Evaluation and Design at the SR 138 Jonesboro Road and I-85 intersection, Fulton County Georgia. The project included design of the mainline alignment as well as access ramps to and from the interstate. In addition, the project includes replacement of bridges/interchange on I-85.

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SR 120 (Abbotts Bridge Road) City of Johns Creek, Fulton County, Georgia

Provided geotechnical services for the existing Pavement Evaluation and Design and Soil Survey along the roadway along SR 120, Abbotts Bridge Road, City of Johns Creek, Fulton County Georgia. The scope included coring of pavement along the project alignment, evaluation of the existing asphalt condition and thickness based on the cores taken, the analyses of existing base and/or subbase materials and performing pavement design for full depth replacement and overlay designs per GDOT requirements.

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Georgia Power Project – Bridge Foundation Investigation, Bartow County, Georgia

The project consisted of the design of two (2) new bridges over Euharlee Creek in Bartow County, Georgia, which is known to be prone to sinkhole development. We performed geotechnical investigations and foundation engineering recommendations for the deep foundation system for the project. We performed Geophysical study including Electrical Resistivity Survey at the site which confirmed that several Karst anomalies existed. We provided remediation plan consisting of grout injection. Our foundation recommendations included H-piles. Geophysical testing, minimum pile tip elevation based on compression/tension and pile installation criteria. We provided quality control inspection and testing for the entire duration of the project.

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