Provided consulting engineering, construction oversight, management & inspection and construction materials testing and engineering recommendations of soils, concrete and asphalt for the Highland Avenue WTP. Construction costs $70 million.
Continue readingE.L. Huie Jr. Constructed Wetlands Phases 1-4, Clayton County, Georgia
Provided Geotechnical Engineering Recommendations and construction materials testing and inspection for the 100 acres natural effluent treatment facility. The project consists of building an impoundment (earthen dam) to treat wastewater.
Continue readingE.L. Huie Jr. Constructed Wetlands Phases 1-4, Clayton County, Georgia
Provided Geotechnical Engineering Recommendations and construction materials testing and inspection for the 100 acres natural effluent treatment facility. The project consists of building an impoundment (earthen dam) to treat wastewater.
Continue readingRegional Airport Air Carrier and General Aviation Apron Reconstruction, Augusta, Georgia
Provided Geotechnical Engineering Recommendations for the Air Carrier removal and replacement of approximately 4.1 acres of existing apron to the east and north of the Terminal and Airport General Aviation Apron, the project includes the removal and replacement of approximately 9.35 acres of existing pavement to the east and north of the Terminal.
Continue readingRegional Airport Reconstruct & Extend Taxiway A and Fire Station Pavement Reconstruction, Augusta, Georgia
Provided Geotechnical Engineering Services for the reconstruction of approximately 2650 linear feet of Taxiway A from the north end of Runway 17/35 to the intersection with Taxiway B, the extension of Taxiway A from Taxiway B in a southern direction towards Taxiway E, and Pavement Reconstruction for the Airport Fire Station.
Continue readingDobbins Airbase COMPEC Repair Taxiway B and C & C-130 Apron, CMT, Marietta, Georgia
Provided Geotechnical Engineering and pavement design recommendations as well as construction materials testing and inspection for Taxiway B and C and C-130 Apron. Concrete testing, beam testing, straightedge/smoothness testing & compaction tests.
Continue readingHartsfield Jackson Deicing Facility, Atlanta, Georgia
Provided Engineering Services and construction materials testing and inspection for the construction of an aircraft apron and supporting facilities to provide a minimum of five unobstructed narrow-body deicing positions on the north airfield with the capability of deicing ten aircraft per hour. The project includes approximately 580,000 square feet of new apron pavement, approximately 100,000 square feet of pavement repairs, demolition of existing utilities and construction of new utilities, a 1.5 M gallon underground storage vault for spent glycol run-off, product storage tanks for Type I and Type IV glycol and diesel fuel, heaters for water, pumping facilities, and truck loading and unloading stations.
Continue readingSR 20 Widening and Improvements Cherokee and Forsyth Counties, Georgia
Provided Geotechnical Engineering Recommendations for the widening/reconstructing SR 20 from an existing two lane rural highway to a divided four-lane rural highway along SR 20 from SR 369 in Cherokee County to SR 371 in Forsyth County. The total length of the road is about 6.5 miles. Provided, Inc. performed pavement study and soil survey.
Continue readingSR 105 at US 44, Habersham County, Georgia
Provided Geotechnical Engineering Recommendations for the Widening of SR105 from the intersection of Cannon Bridge Rd, west of SR 365 to Walnut Street in Cornelia for a total of 2.74 miles. In the project is the reconstruction of the interchange at US441/SR 105 and SR 365 as a diamond interchange. The construction widens US441/ SR 105 to a six- lane divided roadway with a 20′ raised median from Cannon Bridge road to SR 365.
Continue readingSR 155 Candler Rd, DeKalb County, Georgia
Provided Geotechnical Engineering Recommendations and pavement evaluations services on SR 155 Candler Road in DeKalb County. The total length of the project is 3.6 miles.
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