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MC Squared offers practical and cost-effective geotechnical and foundation design recommendations backed by the extensive experience of our staff. Our team employs advanced data gathering techniques alongside practical engineering principles to deliver value-added services that support the design team in making projects successful. Our principals have worked on thousands of engineering projects across Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and the surrounding region, ensuring that their design recommendations lead to successful construction.


  • Pre-development and siting.
  • Feasibility studies.
  • Development of scope of services.
  • Field exploration and data gathering.
  • Laboratory analysis and data validation.
  • Alternate foundation analysis and economic study.
  • Foundation construction recommendation.
  • Value-engineering and post design services.
  • Lake Restorations and Enhancements.
  • Seismic analysis.
  • Geologic hazards analysis and design.
  • Geophysical explorations and analysis.
  • Earth slope stability and retaining structures.
  • Earth and Rock tunnel analysis and design.
  • Earth instrumentations.
  • Pile driving analysis and failure analysis.
  • Drilled shafts design and inspection.
  • Effluent disposal and Hydrological modeling.
  • Ground water monitoring plan and modeling.
  • Rock mechanics.
  • Soil dynamics.
  • Sediment Studies.



We have successfully completed a variety of projects, ranging from simple to complex, in the following areas:

  • Commercial and vertical development
  • Roadway and bridges
  • Watershed studies
  • Water & wastewater plants and pipelines
  • Solid Waste & Landfill projects
  • Power generation and utility corridors
  • Dams and impoundment analysis
  • Waterways and Port Dredging
  • Tunnels

Caloosahatchee River West Basin Storage Reservoir (C-43 WBSR)

Developed by C-43 Water Management Builders for the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), the C-43 West Basin Storage Reservoir is a 170,000-acre-foot infrastructure project designed to store excess freshwater from the Caloosahatchee River, stabilize salinity levels, and prevent algal blooms. MC Squared provided critical laboratory management, construction materials testing, and quality control, ensuring compliance with USACE standards. Our contributions—including testing 22 million cubic yards of embankment, 110,000 tons of soil-cement armoring, and 19 miles of soil-bentonite cutoff wall—have helped ensure the reservoir’s durability, reliability, and long-term impact on Florida’s water resources and communities.

SR 40 Widening 820, Charlton/Camden, Georgia

Provided Geotechnical Engineering Recommendations for the roadway consisting of Pavement Evaluation, Soil Survey and Wall Foundation Recommendation along SR 40 east of St. Mary’s cutoff/MP 5.0/Charlton to CR 61 in Camden and Charlton Counties, GA. The total length of the roadway is approximately 11.67 miles. The project consists of approximately 10.2 miles of pavement overlay, 11.67 miles of new pavement ranging from 2 to 4 lanes, and five (5) culvert extensions. Approximately 2.2 miles of wetland area exists along the project alignment.

Bayshore Boulevard, Hillsborough County, Florida

Provided Geotechnical Engineering Recommendations and subsurface investigations including pavement evaluation of existing pavement conditions at selected locations along Bayshore Boulevard in Hillsborough County, Florida. The work was performed for the City of Tampa, Florida.

SR 40 Connector 821, Charlton, Georgia

Provided Geotechnical Engineering Services for the roadway consisting of Pavement Evaluation, Soil Survey and Wall Foundation Recommendation along SR 40 from Conn/Folkston to MP 2.75/E of CR 82, Charlton Counties, GA. The total length of the roadway is approximately 1.9 miles. The project consists of approximately 1.9 miles of pavement overlay, about 1.75 miles of new pavement ranging from 2 to 3 lanes, and one (1) bridge culvert with retaining walls.