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A thorough understanding of regulatory compliance and project economics is vital in environmental consulting services. Value-added solutions rely on effective risk-benefit analysis and the return on investment (ROI) to ensure project viability.

While regulatory compliance may be viewed as a secondary issue, it significantly impacts overall project feasibility. Neglecting these concerns can lead to complications down the line, making it essential to address them during the planning stages.

It’s crucial to comprehend not only the environmental aspects but also the construction process, including the schedule and methodology, to achieve optimal solutions. At MC Squared, we recognize the global importance of maximizing ROI while minimizing risks, and we provide innovative solutions to complex environmental challenges.


  • Risk assessment and management.
  • Regulatory strategy and compliance assistance.
  • Environmental site assessment.
  • Monitoring wells installation and water sampling analysis.
  • Site Characterization and contamination evaluation.
  • Data evaluations and QC/QA review.
  • Closure services of underground storage tanks.
  • Hydrogeological and groundwater modeling.
  • Operations and maintenance.
  • Public relations involvement.
  • Surface water quality.
  • Erosion control.
  • Water balance.
  • Mined land reclamation.
  • Lake restorations and enhancement.

GEo-Environmental PROJECTS


Falkenburg Advanced Water Treatment Plant, Hillsborough County, Florida

Provided subsurface investigations and associated recommendations for the expansion of this facility from 9 to 12 MGD. Components of the project included new headworks, clarifier, new pump station and reject storage tanks. Provided materials testing of soils, concrete and asphalt during construction phase. Construction costs $30 million.

Southeast County Water Reclamation Facility, Hillsborough County, Florida

Provided subsurface investigations and associated design recommendations for the expansion of the facility from 4.5 to 12 MGD. Components of the project included new headworks, bioreactors, clarifiers, filters, reject storage tanks, electrical buildings and pump stations. Provided materials testing of soils, concrete and asphalt during construction phase.

Dale Mabry Stormwater Tunnel, City of Tampa, Florida

Performed a limited Phase I along the project corridor to evaluate potential contamination that could affect the development of the project which included 7000 LF of stormwater tunnel thru a residential neighborhood. Also provided a baseline geotechnical report and laboratory testing to support the future design. The project was intended to alleviate flooding in the South Tampa area of Hillsborough County.