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Founded in 2001, MC Squared, LLC is an engineering firm specializing in geotechnical and geo-environmental engineering, construction materials testing and inspection, including Pile Driving Analysis, pavement design and management, and geophysics.

With offices in the SE United States, MC Squared has successfully completed several large-scale infrastructure projects in transportation, water and wastewater treatment, aviation, dams, tunneling, pavement management, and geo-forensic markets. Our clients and partners include state and local governments, consulting engineers, architects, contractors, and private entities which include developers and owners.

MC Squared’s focus is to understand our client’s objectives so we can deliver quality, innovative, and cost-effective solutions both on time and within budget. Our subject matter experts thoroughly understand the nuances of various contract delivery mechanisms including DB, DBB, DBFOM, P3, and CM at Risk.

In 2022, MC Squared was acquired by ACES, a leading international firm specialized in geotechnical investigation, materials technology and testing, quality control of projects, special studies, land and marine surveying, and chemical and environment testing. Founded in 1983, the ACES team consists of over 4,000 professionals in 25 offices across eight countries in the Middle East and North America. For more information, visit